How do I bill for admin tasks?

Admin tasks are automatically billed except in rare circumstances

You are automatically paid $75/session to cover the hour class in addition to 30 min of preparation and admin time.

In addition, each month you are automatically paid for performing administrative tasks and attending continuous development.

  • Teacher I and IIs are paid $50/hour for one hour per month. In practice this will be a $25 fixed amount on your paystub every payroll. If your admin tasks exceed the automatic billing, you can use billing tag Non-Teaching Session - 5300 (P) $50. Please include a comment with context for the work. Hours entered manually will be seen on Rippling, but will not appear in the session attendance tracking app.
  • Senior Teachers have six hours every week to use towards admin time and special projects. If your admin tasks exceed the automatic billing, please reach out to Staci & Matt.