Constellation Game Mechanics

Map Elements 

See here


Moves are actions taken during a round. Moves are distributed equally amongst each team member and are lost if not used in the allotted round. Students use moves by claiming stars (clicking on them) or by using Steals (clicking on stars owned by another team).

Steal Depth

Steal contagion depth is an optional setting in GameService. When set to zero, the star clicked on is the only star impacted by stealing (or clearing). As this number is increased (up to 10), more stars in the network are impacted by the steal/clear. The only stars impacted by the steal/clear are the ones claimed by the team being stolen from, not other neighboring stars.


The expanded scoreboard shows the raw score of each scoring category, with the scoring multiplier displayed above the column. The number on the right is the total score.

Count: Number of connections

Distance: Total distance of every connection in every network

HQ: Headquarter bonuses earned throughout each round of the game*

Steals: The number in the grey box on the far right of the scoreboard represents the amount of steal remaining for that team.

*Headquarters also have an associated headquarters point bonus, which is the number of connections on the shortest line connecting the two HQs, multiplied by the HQ score multiplier. HQ points are awarded at the end of each round in which the HQs are connected. If playing with one HQ, this multiplier is applied to the number of connections on the longest continuous line from the HQ at the end of each round.

Untitled 6-051d7115901685c6f6f645dc108c7353Bots


Bot personalities can be added to a game of Constellation to fill out the player space, or provide extra challenge. Bots behave mostly like normal players, but the higher their aggression, the more effectively they'll play. Different bot personalities have slightly different play styles:

Athena: Attempts to score as many points as possible.

Einstein: Attempts to connect wormholes.

Robin Hood: Sabotages the team currently in 1st place.


Map Elements


The basic building block of Constellation, stars are circles that begin white and change to the color of the team which claims them.

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Headquarters are the two stars placed in the HQ placement phase. They are diamond shaped and have a pulsing animation. Games can be played with zero, one, or two headquarters.




Clusters, represented by eight pointed stars, protect stars in a network from being stolen. If a star is in a network that contains a cluster, that star cannot be stolen. 199646360-34147c9a-769b-420d-977b-77781f33a72d



Wormholes are represented by triangles. Connecting a specified number of wormholes (across any distance) will result in the team who connected them winning the game at the end of that round. 199646376-8ac2465d-1662-4267-9e0a-43d0df3359e0


Black Holes

Black holes are spinning bifurcated circles. When two black holes are connected, the connected network is sucked into the blackhole and destroyed. 199644355-9081ecd0-074e-4471-83e3-e7a6a201825e