What are the expectations when dropping a class?

When you drop and leave a class, please

If you have a co-teacher for the class

  1. Inform your students during class time that you’ll be moving on to help set expectations

  2. Write an email home to the students and their parents (template below)

If you do not have a co-teacher for the class

  1. Inform your students 2 weeks in advance that you’ll be moving on, to help set expectations

  2. Write an email home to the students and their parents (template below)

  3. Co-teach one class with the new teacher to smoothen the transition


Template Email

Dear parents of Class 1234,

Working with your children over the past X weeks has been a wonderful experience for me. I've gotten to know them as individuals, as well as cheered on their growth as collaborators and critical thinkers. Unfortunately, my time with this particular class is drawing to a close as I need to.... (E.g., find a different class that better first my evolving schedule).

While I'll miss the students, will remain with the class and continue to spur their development as Synthesis students. will be joined by , an exceptional Synthesis teacher whose fresh perspective will no doubt invigorate the class discussion.

My last day with the class will be . If you have any questions, please feel free to reach out.

Warm Regards,