Planetary Systems

Planetary systems add an extra layer of strategy to the game. Planets that share a name (eg Persephone, Persephone I, Persephone II) are considered part of a planetary system. Not all planets are included in a system (orphaned planets). Any type of planet can occur within a planetary system or as an orphaned planet.

A team can control a system by controlling (taxing) a majority of planets in that system. At the end of each minute in the game, teams which control systems will be awarded bonus AP. The bonus AP is calculated as 1AP for each planet in the system and is divided between players.

For example: the Persephone system includes seven planets. Two of those planets are uninhabitable and controlled by no one. Three are controlled by team orange. Team green and team purple each control one planet in the system. Team orange controls the Persephone system, and at the end of every minute each of their players will be awarded 7 AP.

There is no bonus for controlling orphaned planets.

🚧 A gif demonstrating bonus AP awarded due to planetary system control.