1. Knowledge Base
  2. Synthesis Tutor
  3. Math Content, Grade Level and Common Core

Can this replace my child’s current math education?

Synthesis Tutor will teach your child the fundamentals and foundations of math. It is not simply activities, games, or practice problems. It is a full teaching experience.

If you are looking for a program that will help your child fill in gaps or catch up to grade level, Synthesis Tutor's adaptive approach is unbeatable and should be your first choice in building out a suite of math education.

If you are looking for a program that will teach your child math from first-principles, Synthesis Tutor is again the choice for you.

If you are looking for a supplement to add to a suite of math instruction, Synthesis Tutor can fill that role as well. 

In time, Synthesis Tutor will be the only math curriculum you will ever need. As we build out the full curriculum to cover every single Common Core State Standard, we recommend Synthesis Tutor as the foundation of your child's math education, but we also understand that other programs and more traditional teaching methods could be valuable as well. We believe Synthesis Tutor should be the primary method of math instruction while recognizing that other programs could be useful supplements as well.