Will the material adapt based on the student’s skill level?

Yes, the lessons will adapt to your child's performance and abilities.

The Tutor adapts and varies the pace of learning and level of instruction depending on each child's needs. 

Adapting to Struggles

Synthesis Tutor is a unique product and experience, unlike any other math program.

Other math programs like Khan Academy and Beast Academy will simply tell a student that they are wrong and ask them to try again (or even worse, show them the right answer and move on). 

Synthesis Tutor handles wrong answers in a completely new and ground-breaking way.

When a child answers a question incorrectly, the Tutor will gently and patiently guide them through the steps to solving the problem. The Tutor will break the problem down and support your child as they work through each step together. This way your child doesn't just learn the answer to a specific question, they develop the strategy and intuition so they can solve any type of problem on their own. 

Students come away learning the material, while feeling accomplished and confident. Mistakes are not to be feared. Put simply, this approach makes math anxiety vanish.

Adapting to Success 

On the flip side, if your child is demonstrating a full understanding of a concept, the Tutor will allow them to zip through lesson and finish it in quick order.

Placement Tests

We currently do not offer a global placement test as some of the interactions and language we introduce in early lessons will be foundational for future work. That being said, each lesson has its own version of a placement test that will check understanding and allow students to gain the necessary insights to move on quickly to more advanced materials.