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  2. Synthesis Tutor
  3. Math Content, Grade Level and Common Core

Will Synthesis Tutor help my child succeed in school?

Yes. Synthesis Tutor builds a mathematical education from first principles. It fills in the gaps before they become chasms. Whether you are looking to catch up or zoom ahead, this is the tool for you.

Synthesis Tutor gives you the quality of a personal tutor with many advantages that a human tutor could never provide. The Tutor can deploy any number of digital manipulatives in any moment to clarify a mathematical concept. It is infinitely patient and available 24/7. 

The Tutor can pinpoint your child's misconceptions and misunderstandings and help them build the intuition and problem skills necessary to succeed in any environment. 

In short, Synthesis Tutor is a superhuman tutor. And no matter your child's ability or level, Synthesis Tutor can help them grasp math in a better way than any other way to learn, whether delivered by human, app, game, or machine.