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  2. Synthesis Tutor
  3. Math Content, Grade Level and Common Core

Will Synthesis Tutor help students with dyslexia, dyscalculia, autism, ADHD, or other challenges?

Yes. Our most passionate and pleased customers are those with neurodiverse and neuro-atypical children. The Tutor's warm, gentle, and multi-sensory approach is highly effective for these students.

We hear it over and over again.

Synthesis Tutor is a blessing for neurodiverse and neuro-atypical students.

What makes the Tutor so special for these kids?

Is the tutor's kind and encouraging tone as she gently guides students to understanding and breakthroughs? Is it her infinite patience as students are free to explore, experiment, and fail without any judgment or expectations? Is it the multi-sensory game-like experience that lets students not just see and hear math instruction but feel it, touch it, and experience it through all of their senses?

Yes. All of the above. 

If you are looking for a way to get your neurodiverse child to learn and say goodbye to math anxiety, Synthesis Tutor is the perfect solution.

To see what parents say about the Tutor, please check out our testimonials page: https://www.synthesis.com/tutor-testimonials