1. Knowledge Base
  2. Synthesis Tutor
  3. Math Content, Grade Level and Common Core

What is the math curriculum for Synthesis Tutor?

At present, we’re focused on elementary math. Our aim is to ensure students master the fundamentals early so they have a strong foundation to learn advanced math (and other STEM fields) much faster than in typical programs.

Our lessons adhere to Common Core State Standards while putting our own twist on the standard curriculum and how it is taught and presented. The Tutor will leave your child not only fluent with their math facts but she will also build deep mathematical intuition, understanding, and problem solving. 

Our curriculum covers: 

  • Number Sense
  • Place Value
  • Single-Digit Operations: Addition, Subtraction, Multiplication, Division
  • Multi-Digit Operations: Addition, Subtraction, Multiplication, Division
  • Negative Numbers
  • Introduction to Fractions and Mixed Numbers
  • Rounding, Estimation, and Comparison
  • Prime Numbers & Composite Numbers
  • Word Problems

With more to come as we expand into deeper math and STEM topics.